Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Eve

For some reason this year we were down to the last minute for everything. So we wrapped gifts and made our Birthday Cake for Jesus on Christmas Eve.
Wrapping gifts gets easier and easier every year. Here are the kids wrapping their gifts to each other. We would send one child out of the room while the other three wrapped and rotated until we were all done. Then, after we sent them all to bed Phillip and I finished our part.

J is measuring very carfully.

As usual, A is all smiles.

R is really concentrating on what he is doing. He did a great job!

Look at that concentration on C's face!

Our Jesus cake is always chocolate to signify the sin we all carry. It is then frosted with white frosting to show how Christ covers over all our sins and makes us pure and therefore worthy to enter the kingdom of Heaven and see God. We have an angel on the cake to herald in the birth of Christ and a star that points the way to Him. The evergreen tree represents the everlasting life we are promised if we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior and the cross it the price our Lord had to pay to make this possible. The drops of red represent the blood that was shed as a sacrifice for our sins and the 12 candles are to show that His light shines 12 months of the year. We must remember to keep our focus on Christ always and not just at this Christmas time.

Each kiddo got a turn at decorating a part of the cake. Here R is doing his part.

Here are the kids with their work of he"art".

The finished product.

Visit with the Kansas Sandlins

I have one sister-in-law who does not live in TX. So, we do not get to see her very often. They came in for the weekend and we got to spend a little time with them. We had a wonderful lunch together and then the kids and Aunt Cleta played Nertz.

The "boys" had other ideas.

Uncle Greg "watching" the football game.

Phillip making sure Snickers is comfortable.

Baking Cookies!

We did get a chance to make cookies this year. We went over to Kimberly's to make cookies and were able to make quite a few. The girls did most of the work.

We were supposed to have another day of cookie baking but the best laid plans.....maybe next year. After all, it is only a few days away!


Hey Sis,
Remember those cranberries you sent home with us that we had no idea what to do with? Well, A figured it out. She learned how to make jellied cranberry sauce and she even made cranberry juice! She truly is going to be the next Martha Stewart. She loves this stuff!

Decorating the Christmas Tree

Every year we put the Christmas tree up on the weekend after Thanksgiving. We were a little late this year but it was fun getting it all together and decorating. As the kids get older this gets easier and easier...and goes a lot faster!

"Fluffing" the tree.

While Dad handles the tree the boys handle the tree topper.

Putting on the tree topper. R has it all ready

Upsy can do it!

Way to go!

A quick break for some Christmas music.

Ready to decorate...finally!

Time for the ornaments to go on. All of them...What fun!

Everyone can use a little help every now and then.

Reminiscing over older ornaments and homemade ornaments.

Daddy doing his Santa imitation much to the delight of the children!LOL!

Putting the angel on the tree.

The finished product (Taken several days later!)

Family Landscaping

While trying to get out Christmas decorations down we realized the garage needed cleaning. We also realized we would need to clean up the landscaping before putting lights up. So, off we went....

Getting in the Christmas Spirit while working on the garage

Dad teaching C how to use the electric hedger....

Fast learner!

Distracted by an anthill....

pretty cool.

It was a really good day and we accomplished a lot. The kids really worked hard. We were so proud of them. I love it when we work together as a family.

Family Pictures at Thanksgiving

Where it all began...

Daughters (we are missing our brother due to health but we missed him)

Granddaughters and Great-granddaughter

Grandsons and Great-grandson

Sons-in-law with grandchildren

Daughters with grandchildren

Grandparents with grandchildren and great-grandchildren. (We are missing a few but they are in our hearts always)


During our Thanksgiving celebration we took family pictures. Here is a set of me and my sisters. How many sisters does it take to get a good shot?

Can you tell who is the oldest?

Then the baby sister steps in to add her 2 cents.

Are we ready yet?

NO! Wait just a minute.

Finally! I think it was well worth the wait. LOL!

What a joy to have all my sisters together again. Can you tell we laugh a lot when we are together?