Saturday, February 16, 2008

Happy Martintine's Day 2008!

We finally found a time when everyone was home so we decided to celebrate Martintine's Day.
Here is Mom with the "goodies" hidden behind her back.

The kids cover their eyes as they wait for their surprise.

As usual the kids were thrilled with what we got them.

We always give our kids chocolate. This year we had a surprise for them that we hid inside the packages. We told them that we were only able to get them a "little something" this year. Here they discover their surprise.

C saw what the girls got and ripped open his candy bar and was very surprised by what jumped out. LOL!

The boys examine their prize.

Back in December I discovered a wonderful online sale that lasted for only 2 hours. It was a DEAL!!! So what was their surprise?????
Six Flags Season Passes!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

I almost forgot to wish everyone a Happy Valentine's Day. We usually do not celebrate on Valentine's Day but wait until after Valentine's Day. This year we will celebrate on Saturday when everyone is home. Our day of celebration has been renamed
"Martintine's Day" LOL! We have a big surprise for the kid's this year. I can't wait!

Fresh Green Beans

What happens when you pull out a bag of fresh green beans and invite one daughter to help you prepare them? It becomes a family affair!

Notice C as he shoots and scores his green bean like shooting a basket! LOL

We had a great time around the kitchen island snapping green beans. In the process of instructing my children on how to prepare fresh green beans we began to talk about how fresh vegetables always tasted better. This led to a discussion on gardening and now the kids are in the process of planning a raised garden. They have already scoped out any spare wood we have and are researching what kind of sun, water, shade each vegetable needs so they can pick the ideal spot to plan. We gathered all the books we have on gardening and we ended up with quite a few.

I think we will go the "Square Foot Gardening" route.

It will be a good project for them to do. My oldest has wanted to do a garden for years and has had some success with container gardening. I will keep you updated on their progress.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

18 years together!~

Today was our 18th wedding anniversary. Unfortunately we were so busy and tired we did not get to spend much time celebrating. But, we both smiled at each other and laughed at the day. After being together this long (though I know it is not long compared to some), just being together is what matters. We worshipped the Lord together, napped together for a short time, went to a meeting together, counseled a struggling marriage together and now we are about to spend some time playing cards with the kids together. What a joy it is to be able to just love being together. We have a date scheduled for later in the week but as for today, we just enjoyed life together. God has blessed our marriage greatly and has allowed us the opportunity to help other marriages and for this we are very grateful. The Lord has allowed us to endure great trials and pulled us through them all. It has been a journey with both highs and lows but well worth it in the long run.
Thank you Mom and Dad for your example to us being married 50 years. We look forward to the day we will be there.

Friday, February 08, 2008

Finally Caught up!

I had not blogged since New Year's so I took the time tonight to "catch up". I have several posts added for Jan. and my first post for Feb. Scroll down, way down and you will be able to catch up on all our doings since the new year.
I am hoping to keep caught up. I am trying to carry my camera with me to take pictures of our daily doings. So hopefully I won't get behind again.
Mom, Dad, Sister- I will try to keep updated as much as possible!

Visit to the Zoo

February 5, 2008
Monday started out with everyone grumpy and not quite as obedient as usual. The kids were tired, I wasn't in the mood for school and the weather was unseasonably warm. So, what's a mom to do? I needed to do school but the weather was calling me outside and the rest of the week was going to be cold. Well, there was only one solution...Zoology!! So off to the zoo we went. I packed up my kids and the neighbors kids and off we went. By the time we got out the door it was almost lunch time. Our solution......picnic at the park.

Our first stop was the flamingos.

Here is the kids' flamingo impersonation!

There are all kinds of animal statues at the zoo and it is one of the kids favorite places to take pictures. Here we demonstrate the difference between boys and girls.

Well, maybe not so different! LOL!

You "otter" be in pictures...

They have a new area at the zoo. It is a bird sanctuary where the kids could feed the birds. They are given a popsicle stick with bird seed and when they walk into the sanctuary the birds come and land on the kids to eat.

R was a little overwhelmed with the attention he got from the birds.

Isn't that a beautiful smile.

The zoo also has tunnels underneath the mongoose cage that the kids can crawl in. The mongoose walk around and the kids can get up close and personal with them.

The kids wanted a picture with all of them together. They had to convince A to crawl in.

It was a very slow day at the zoo and the zookeepers were very talkative and interactive. Here one of the zoo keepers surprised A by squirting her with water!

J got a real close up and started talking to the mongoose.

The zoo has recently added penguins. Well, those of you that know me don't need any explanation why I added these pictures!

We were able to get really up close to the gorilla. We were separated by plexiglass

Here is the picture I happened to snap as the gorilla attempted to attack a young man through the glass.

The young man didn't do anything to provoke him. We were all greatly surprised by the attack. Here he is letting us know how he felt about the whole ordeal.

After the zoo the kids were ready for dinner. There is a McDonald's right next to the zoo so we stopped. Here is what we found inside.

When you hit the elephant's leg he trumpets!

Can you see the snake going up the tree?

This was the coolest McDonalds. The kids enjoyed the play area which was like a jungle tree house.
All in all it was a good day. We enjoyed the outdoors, all the animals and we all came home with better attitudes. The best part of all is I can call it a day of science!

Dirty Laundry

January 22, 2008
R was left to his own devices and found a way to not be bored. This is what I discovered.

He finally noticed I had found him and was taking pictures.

He played around in the basket for awhile and finally smiled for the camera.

He found a unique way to get out! LOL

Notice A in the background. She is not phased by his antics at all.

The Tower of Babel

January 11, 2008
Well, I got this post out of order and since I don't know how to fix that problem I am just going to add it here.
As was evidenced in the previous post, C can be quite creative. Once again I was walking through the house and found this creation.

After inquiring as to who it belonged to, C proudly displayed his wares.

I never did ask him why he was thinking of the Tower of Babel. Who knows what goes through the mind of a 10yo!

Egyptian Pyramids? hmmmm

January 11, 2008
After spending several hours in my room working on school planning I came out to find the kids. I found this instead. Are they pyramids?

I called for the kids to find out whose creation this was. C was very proud of it. I told him it looked like the pyramids. He said he calls it his "Tri-snake". Can't you see the eyeballs? I never knew what a Tri-snake was but I will always be able to recognize one from now on!


January 10,2008
Some days are very quiet. Those are the days I usually worry about. But then, sometimes it is quiet and as you go to find out why, you find this....

C quite often helps R with his reading. Here C would read one page and then R would read one page, just like he sees me doing with R.
Life is just good.
Of course, later that day, I found this.....

Life is still good...and NEVER dull! LOL