Sunday, December 28, 2008

Family Landscaping

While trying to get out Christmas decorations down we realized the garage needed cleaning. We also realized we would need to clean up the landscaping before putting lights up. So, off we went....

Getting in the Christmas Spirit while working on the garage

Dad teaching C how to use the electric hedger....

Fast learner!

Distracted by an anthill....

pretty cool.

It was a really good day and we accomplished a lot. The kids really worked hard. We were so proud of them. I love it when we work together as a family.

1 comment:

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

We really need to do the same....we just put things up anyway. Mike pulled all the baby things from the attic to take to Goodwill and I cried...but now they are waiting for a yard sale. LOL

Like your new blog look.