Friday, April 25, 2008

Building the Garden

Remember all our gardening books and our decision to build a garden? Well, here we are getting it set up. We are doing “Square Foot Gardening” and so we needed to build some boxes for a raised garden. Here are some scenes from our endeavor!
Measure twice, Cut once. Measure twice, Cut once.

B sawing our boards. This was hard work! J was her counterbalance! The rest were really good onlookers! LOL!

A really worked hard at preparing our fenced in area where our boxes would go.

J helping stack the cut boards.

Almost done!

Now for the nails,

Putting the boxes together is a family affair.

I love the way J and R help. LOL!

While waiting for the boxes to be finished the boys decided to come up with a game. They laid out the boards with the rule that you had to be on the boards at all times during the dual. They even had a hula hoop laid out that was reserved as the “healing area”. What do you mean “healing area”????? I can’t watch.

We have the boxes put together, the newspaper down, the seedlings are sprouting and now I just need to get soil and we are ready to plant! More later

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