Skipping rocks is a favorite for all of us.
C is the Skip Rock Champion in our family with 13 skips with one rock!
J knew she couldn't get in the water but wanted to come anyway. She says she always writes better at the creek so she came prepared with notebook and pen in hand! She also did much of the photography.
R was not quite himself that morning.
We found out why a little later that morning. Everything he did was upsetting him. He loves the creek and "accidently" falling in is one of his favorite things to do. However, this time he fell in and burst into tears. He cried all the way to me.I was further down the creek quietly letting the tears flow as I decompressed from the past week. He was inconsolable. I talked with him but he could not stop sobbing.
I asked him if he wanted me to hold him and he said yes. He held on as though he never was going to let me go.
Too often little ones go through a tough family time and go with the flow because they really don't fully grasp the situation or don't know how to express themselves. R never showed that he was upset the entire week his sister was in the hospital and Mom was away. But Sat. it hit him all at once. I just sat and held him as he cried. It broke my heart. We knew he had to feel something or that he was dealing with things in his own way but we missed how deeply it hurt him. We are so thankful we did not miss this. Phillip took these pictures before he fully understood what was going on. I am glad. I am thankful the Lord gave us this opportunity to help him.
It was a great morning all around and the morning ended with much more smiles and a feeling of things definitely getting back to normal.
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