Monday, July 02, 2007

What a weekend!

My dh and I left last Thurs. for Marriage Seminar Training. It was 3 day seminar that included reading a book and doing homework every night and once during lunch. It was a full 8 week seminar in 3 days along with training for how to facilitate the seminar. It was fabulous. Dh and I will start our first class on Aug. 5. I look forward to doing this with dh. We have recently been appointed as Marriage Ministers at our church and this will be our first marriage class we will lead.
It is from the Family Dynamics Institute
I really think we will be able to help a lot of struggling marriages with this class. To let you know how much I really love this material you must understand my weekend. Along with the intense training, I survived a kidney stone all day Sat. and Sun morning and a stomach bug Sat. night and Sunday morning to go along with it. After I passed the stone the sinus headache I had made itself noticed and today, I went to the doctor and am on antibiotics for a sinus infection and bronchitis. However, even with all of that going on I did not miss any of the training. It was so good and I wanted to understand every aspect of it so I persevered!
I missed my kiddos but they had a good time with Grandmommy at her church's VBS. The girls assisted the craft staff and the boys got to enjoy VBS.
I know I need to update my blog and I will soon. I have camp pictures, post camp pictures and just some general catching up to do. I will get to it soon.
I have to catch up on responding to comments and I will .....soon. Maybe tomorrow. For now, I am really tired.


Cynthia said...

Oh my... you certainly had a lot of health things to deal with this weekend. I'm glad you didn't have to miss any of the workshops though.

a*p*2009 said...

hey there auntie gildie! haha just kidding. i'm not really gonna cal you that! i got your comment and i will add some stuff. oh yeah, go read my newest blog. it's absolutely brilliant if i must say so! totally up for whatever prize it is you get for writing! ttyl on MSN

a*p*2009 said...

hi. when i went to Lone Oak there was a girl, Taylor, that was in alan's grade. we weren't close but we were aquaintances. she died in a car wreck yesterday.