Friday, November 07, 2008

Sister, This Ones For You!

My sister let me know that she has noticed my lack of blogging. When I checked I realized I have not blogged since Sept. 8. That was 2 months ago!!!! Confession: My digital camera broke and for some reason I think I must have pictures when I blog. Well, I now see the error of my ways.
We have been very busy. I committed this year to be HOME to HOME School. I dropped all of my outside activities but somehow am still very, very busy. I have started working a part-time job and it has taken time to learn. I have 2 in high school, 1 in middle school and one in elementary. I cannot teach them all at the same level so I have 4 different schedules to plan. On top of all that my body has decided to develop allergies I have not had before and so I have been battling sinus headaches that lead to migraine headaches, but the Lord has been faithful and has kept me moving.
The kids are all doing great. In fact, they have some friends over tonight and are sleeping in the backyard in tents and it is only 47 degrees out! LOL They are determined to make it through the night. We are leaving the back door open!
I will take pictures, but since I am back to my 35 mm camera I will have to actually develop the film first!
I will try to blog within the next couple of days to let you know how they kids fared.
OK Sis, it is your turn.


Debbie said...

Gilda, it is so good to "hear" from you again. We are trying to stick close to home also this year. Our Littles need so much training and catching up. I always enjoy your posts.

Anonymous said...

Ok Gil,
Here I am! Thank you for giving me this opportunity to see if I can comment on your blog. Let me know if I did it!! Anyway, my comment to you is I totally understand busy - I haven't journaled in at least a month.
Love you!!

Gilda said...

Hey Debbie!
I am really trying to get back on board with blogging. I am hoping to get better but I wouldn't hold my breath! Good to "see" you too. Staying close to home has been a godsend for us this year.

Gilda said...

Hey Sis!
You did it! Now I am going to have to blog more! LOL

Pam said...

Great to see you blogging again Gilda! I always enjoy your posts, and God uses them to encourage me in my walk with Him. Thank you for being a willing servant!