We had predetermined our contestents based on the different stages of marriage. We had a Newlywed couple of 7 months, a couple with young children, a couple with a teenager who were soon to be empty nesters and empty nesters who had been married 30 years (needless to say, they won, but it was close!) We had a prize of an upgraded suite for the winner and they were able to move into an executive suite for the evening.
After the newlywed game we had some ballroom dancing for those who were interested.
Most of the couples finally figured out how to "communicate" and pick up the balloon. Some watched how others managed and "non-verbally" agreed to do the same. As you can see by the pictures and all the smiles the couples were able to enjoy each other and laugh together.
In the "For His Eyes Only" or the "For Her Eyes Only" envelopes they either had a charades word they had to get their partner to say or a task they were to get their partner to do by acting it out but with their hands behind their backs and without saying a word....
Getting your partner to complete a task.....
The confused looks on the faces were a common site. All of our couples were able to complete their tasks and all comments were very positive at how much they enjoyed these games.
All in all it was a great weekend. But aside from all the fun we had many comments on how much they enjoyed the retreat. Though that was one of our goals our main goal was also accomplished. We wanted to give marriages some tools they would need to enhance their marriages, to be able to work through the tough time and to be able to laugh together. With these tools their marriages could flourish, stay united but more than anything else, they would glorify God.
Our speaker said that in his counseling experience he realized that most marriages struggle simply because they do not have the tools necessary to understand each other and work through the hard times. He also mentioned that the main ingredient for the successful marriage was having our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ with in the marriage. That as we build our vertical relationship with Christ we are able to enhance our horizontal relationship with our spouse. Without Christ in the mix we tend toward selfishness and self-centeredness.
We know that the Lord worked through this weekend through the many comments we received from the couples who attended. We are thankful the Lord blessed us with this opportunity to serve Him in this capacity and would love to help any who would like help in their marriages. Struggles happen but there is hope, not only for those marriages who are struggling but also for those that are coasting and for those that are doing well but want to draw even closer to each other. Please feel free to contact me if you would like help in any way.
Satan trys to destroy people and churches through destroying marriages. It is our desire to come along side couples and share the ways the Lord has taught us to work through the tough times and enjoy the good times to the fullest.
To God be the Glory!