Sunday, February 15, 2009

NEC Marriage Retreat Prep

Phillip and I have been serving in our Marriage Ministry at our church for almost 2 years. We have seen some tough times in our ministry but God is faithful. We had a time of focusing on healing many struggling marriages and had come to a point in our ministry where we wanted to focus on all marriages not just the struggling marriages. Our leadership decided we should have a Marriage Retreat.
Well, neither Phillip nor I had ever led an endeavor like this, but with much prayer and much help from others the Lord blessed our efforts and multiplied them tenfold. The week before the retreat was a busy one for us. Here we are getting the materials for the retreat ready. We had 110 notebooks to stuff.

Thankfully our children have always been willing helpers. Here A is helping out with her usual smiling face and very helpful hands.The finished product turned out very well thanks to my very talented husband. Here is the completed notebook.

Here is a better picture of the completed design. I am so thankful that the Lord has blessed him with these gifts. I can stuff folders but the design both inside and out came from his talented hands.

We worked a lot that week preparing for the retreat but in the end, the Lord blessed us beyond measure for our meager efforts. We had 51 couples at the retreat and our speaker did such an amazing job. See my next post on the retreat itself.

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

WOW! That sounds like a HUGE endeavor. GOOD JOB!