Monday, March 19, 2007

Tough Week

I love the way the Lord works. This past month has been one of the toughest months of my life and this week the culmination of it all. And, it is only Monday!
I have watched sin devastate two families this past month. It has been heartwrenching and humbling. It is a situation where there is nothing to be done but pray. People are making their own choices and turning their backs on God. They do not want to hear truth and are running to whomever will tell them what their itching ears want to hear. But in all of this, I still see God's hand doing a mighty work. I see quiet, insecure individuals taking a stand for God and family. I see faithful Christians hurting at the harm this is doing to the body of Christ yet praying for God's glory to be revealed in it all. I see those who have fallen trying desperately to hang on to God and I see God answering them with words of comfort and love to remind them of who He is. There are children involved yet I know that my God is with them and will hold them through this. I know that character and faith can be grown during these trials. I have had to examine my own heart and allow God to tweak it. What mercy He shows! I see Satan attacking a church body with both barrels and that same body falling on it's knees in petition to the one who can defeat him. And, I have peace in this storm. Tired? Yes. Weary? More than you can know? Peaceful? Yes, with a peace that only God can give.
The Lord is my strength and sheild. He is the anchor in the storm and the anchor holds. What a mighty God we serve!

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