Saturday, December 22, 2007

Gingerbread House 2007

Today was a slow, quiet day. We took the morning slow and easy. We played card games with the kids, went shopping for Christmas Dinner and then made our annual Gingerbread House. Now understand, I am not known for my kitchen skill and so here we go......
In the Beginning:

It took much concentration....

There was teamwork involved....

And great effort for some. Look at that tongue action!

But in the end, it was all worth the effort. Here is the finished product.

Tia Let, this ones for you! LOL


DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Lovely gingerbread house. We made one earlier in the season - but our daughter brought a kit home eager to make a house with the younger ones - so we shall.

Gilda said...

I did see your gingerbread house pictures and loved them! I look forward to seeing the pictures of your next one!
A gingerbread house is a tradition in our home. The kids asked if they could each have their own next year! LOL We will see. They are all uniquely creative.