Saturday, December 08, 2007

Living Nativity

Last night we attended a "Living Nativity". We were invited by one of the moms in our home school co-op. It was fabulous and sooooo well done. You could definitely tell that a lot of time and effort was put into planning this. We started out in a looonnnngggg line but it went very quickly and the kids were able to pet some goats while we waited.

We started out by being given coins to pay the Tax Collector. You can see in R's face what he thought of this. LOL!

Next we had to sign the Census.

We then walked through the Bethlehem Marketplace where we were able to experience many different shops. Each shopkeeper gave us information of what it was like during that time but presented it in real time stories.
The Wheat Grinder

The Spice Maker (this was our friend who invited us to the Nativity)

The Perfumer

Here is A smelling frankenscence. They also had myrrh. Very strong smelling perfumes.
The next part of the journey was outside where we went through 6 different scenes of the Christmas Story. Here are a few.
Gabriel visiting Joseph. I love the way they did this.

The 3 Wise Men.

Servants tending the Wise Men's flocks.

I loved the camels. They had many live animals including sheep, donkeys, goats, cows and camels. The camels were rather entertaining. In the second picture below you can see one camel trying to eat his keepers clothes!

The last pictures are of Mary and Joseph with baby Jesus in the Manger and

the baby Jesus eating her (Oops! HIS toes! LOL).

They ended the story by shining a light on 3 crosses in the distance. Unfortunately these pictures did not come out but I thought is was fabulous how they shadowed the manger scene with the cross. If you can find Living Nativity in your city I would highly recommend you going. We really had a great time.


Pam said...

What a wonderful experience Gilda! I have always wanted to do this. So neat!

Pam in SE MI (TLT)

Gilda said...

If you can find one in your area I would highly recommend it. Our whole family just loved it.