Saturday, February 16, 2008

Happy Martintine's Day 2008!

We finally found a time when everyone was home so we decided to celebrate Martintine's Day.
Here is Mom with the "goodies" hidden behind her back.

The kids cover their eyes as they wait for their surprise.

As usual the kids were thrilled with what we got them.

We always give our kids chocolate. This year we had a surprise for them that we hid inside the packages. We told them that we were only able to get them a "little something" this year. Here they discover their surprise.

C saw what the girls got and ripped open his candy bar and was very surprised by what jumped out. LOL!

The boys examine their prize.

Back in December I discovered a wonderful online sale that lasted for only 2 hours. It was a DEAL!!! So what was their surprise?????
Six Flags Season Passes!

1 comment:

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Great surprise...hilarious photo.