Friday, February 08, 2008

Visit to the Zoo

February 5, 2008
Monday started out with everyone grumpy and not quite as obedient as usual. The kids were tired, I wasn't in the mood for school and the weather was unseasonably warm. So, what's a mom to do? I needed to do school but the weather was calling me outside and the rest of the week was going to be cold. Well, there was only one solution...Zoology!! So off to the zoo we went. I packed up my kids and the neighbors kids and off we went. By the time we got out the door it was almost lunch time. Our solution......picnic at the park.

Our first stop was the flamingos.

Here is the kids' flamingo impersonation!

There are all kinds of animal statues at the zoo and it is one of the kids favorite places to take pictures. Here we demonstrate the difference between boys and girls.

Well, maybe not so different! LOL!

You "otter" be in pictures...

They have a new area at the zoo. It is a bird sanctuary where the kids could feed the birds. They are given a popsicle stick with bird seed and when they walk into the sanctuary the birds come and land on the kids to eat.

R was a little overwhelmed with the attention he got from the birds.

Isn't that a beautiful smile.

The zoo also has tunnels underneath the mongoose cage that the kids can crawl in. The mongoose walk around and the kids can get up close and personal with them.

The kids wanted a picture with all of them together. They had to convince A to crawl in.

It was a very slow day at the zoo and the zookeepers were very talkative and interactive. Here one of the zoo keepers surprised A by squirting her with water!

J got a real close up and started talking to the mongoose.

The zoo has recently added penguins. Well, those of you that know me don't need any explanation why I added these pictures!

We were able to get really up close to the gorilla. We were separated by plexiglass

Here is the picture I happened to snap as the gorilla attempted to attack a young man through the glass.

The young man didn't do anything to provoke him. We were all greatly surprised by the attack. Here he is letting us know how he felt about the whole ordeal.

After the zoo the kids were ready for dinner. There is a McDonald's right next to the zoo so we stopped. Here is what we found inside.

When you hit the elephant's leg he trumpets!

Can you see the snake going up the tree?

This was the coolest McDonalds. The kids enjoyed the play area which was like a jungle tree house.
All in all it was a good day. We enjoyed the outdoors, all the animals and we all came home with better attitudes. The best part of all is I can call it a day of science!

1 comment:

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Great zoo photos!