Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!!!!!!

There is no greater gift to a child than a Father who is involved and loves his children. Today we give thanks to the Lord for the blessing of my husband who deserves a "Dad of the Year" award every year. He has a love for his children that will help them to understand the love of our Father in heaven. His children can not wait for him to return home everyday and frown when he has to work late or on weekends. Happy Father's day Phillip! I know you would say it is happy simply because of the blessing of your children.
Here is how he started the day. He is working on slide shows for our children who are graduating from camp this year.

Here is how he spent the afternoon!

He is back to working on JAM Camp for our kids.
I also want to say Happy Father's Day to my Dad. Thank you for all you taught me and how I have never doubted your love for me. Thank you also for loving my kids. What a great Grandpa you are! Praying you are enjoying your day. I love you!

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