Thursday, June 12, 2008

God's Little Confirmations

One of my constant prayers for my children is that they know Christ. Not that they believe there is a God or even just believe in Christ or that He is the Son of God, but that they know Him personally and interact with Him. As I watch my children grow I wonder if they are truly getting to know Him and trust Him and have a deep relationship with Him. I don't want my children to "have religion", I want them to KNOW Christ.
As I watch them grow in their faith I pray that their faith is their own. I ask God to show me. In His faithfulness He does. This is what He gave me recently from my youngest dd. She recently was at a youth group retreat where they sang the song "I Want to Sing You a Love Song". She shared with me that she physically felt Jesus next to her. She said she tried to tell others but they just did not understand. I told her I understood and then she told me she had written something that she felt the Spirit had led her to write. I only wish you could hear her read this as I can feel her heart as she reads it.

I stopped, trembling, before a huge, golden gate. The pearls set into it gleamed like diamonds. I stepped forward, hearing singing from within. “Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty. Who Was, and Is, and Is To Come.” The gate swung slowly inwards, making no sound, not even a whisper. A man stepped through, garbed in glowing white. My breath caught. He smiled warmly.
“Welcome, Brother! I am Peter.” I stared transfixed as he led me into Heaven. We walked together through rooms of gold and jewels, down a street made of gold bricks-which was lined with beautiful houses-and up to the ornate doors of a huge room.
Peter smiled encouragingly when I faltered, and then, turning, he walked away. Hesitantly, I pushed open the doors.
I was surrounded by brilliant Light and a warm Voice saying, “Welcome, Child.” I stepped forward, and then fell to my knees. Before me stood a man, His face the very picture of Love. His deep eyes were filled with more passion than I could comprehend. His face was too beautiful for words. His voice was enough to make you feel like if you had ceased to exist at that moment, you would have done it willingly, because your life had been fulfilled.
A song that I used to sing in church came to mind. I Want to Sing You a Love Song… I knew He could hear my thoughts. For You are the Thief of my heart… I pressed my face to the ground. Rhythm and Rhyme try to describe it. No matter how hard I try, I can’t hide it… I was wracked with involuntary tremors as His Light washed over me.
Faithful, You are Faithful… I spoke out loud. “ But I’ve turned my back on You so many times.” …I have found nothing but good in Your Heart… “Search me, Lord. I’m unclean.” …Loving, You are loving. I am in love with the way that You are… “And I’ve been so hateful.” …Thankful, I am thankful… “Not thankful, Lord. Ungrateful.”
…I had been running away on my own… “I’ve turned my back on You so many times, Lord, and you always took me back.” …And then You found me… “You searched for me incessantly, Lord.” …Oh, how You love me… “Why, Lord? Why?” …I know You’ll never leave me alone... “When I left You so many times?”
A warm Laughter emanated from the all-consuming Light. “Child, I died for you. How could I not love you?” I looked up into His loving face. “Why did you die for me?” The Lord pulled me into an embrace that I felt I could stay in forever. His answer told me I could. “Because I made you.”

There is no greater joy than for me to see my children knowing God.

1 comment:

Gerd Dansholm said...

Dear sweet Gilda. Beautiful. Please thank you sweet child for allowing you to share this with us. I was so touched when I read it, because it was confirmed by my own feelings and experiences. His love is beyound compare. It is a beautiful thing when your children come to that point where they truly fall in love with Jesus. Lots of love and prayers, Trust