Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Bible in 90 Days. It is finished!

June 28, 2008
I have just had the most amazing 90 days. I was challenged to read the Bible in 90 days. When this was first proposed I had to think on it awhile because I am a student of the Word. I like to read, study, research, define and just dig deep when I read the Bible. Doing this in 90 days did not make this possible but, I decided I would try. Afterall, there have been many a time that I have read a huge novel in no time and asked myself why I hadn't just read the Bible straight through. So, my journey began on March 31, 2008.
There were days that I began reading and ended up lost in thought. I would have to go back an reread a passage or two. There were days I read and was amazed at the connections I was able to make as I read through book after book in the Bible. Reading the 4 gospels back to back was a very interesting experience. Getting to know Paul better as I read each of his books back to back has given me many things to think through and mull over.
Today I finished my study by reading straight through the book of Revelations. How awesome it is to see God's hand and the end of the story. A story of fallen people who are redeemed by a loving God who is faithful to His promises and is victorious in the end. I found myself in tears as I saw the loving hand of our God end the torment of the saints. Tears also flowed as His glory was revealed in the human terms that are just a shadow of the reality of God. I then found myself face down in prayer and praise to our awesome God, in humble submission that He would even consider me to enter His eternal rest, that He made me worthy to be reconciled to Him through the death of His son. How can I be humbled, exalted, rejoicing, ashamed, awed and in tears all at the same time?
I issure forth this challenge to you all. Not that you accomplish reading the bible in 90 days (though I recommend it), but that you seek His Word that you might come to know Him more, that if you have not made Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior that you seek to find Him and the promise of salvation that comes only through Him.
I will end simply with the end of the book....
He who testifies to these things says, "Yes, I am coming soon."
Amen, Come Lord Jesus.
The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God's people. Amen.
Revelations 22:20-21


DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Gilda - I had thought I'd do this 3x this year....and found that I can't...but I am so glad I did it early in the year. There is something about quickly reading through it that brings the BIG PICTURE to play in such an awesome way. I found many of the same emotions and thoughts you describe. I think I'll try it again next year.

scdnkrd said...

When you tole me you wre doing this the other day, I MISSED that you were doing it in 90 days! I think I jsut assumed you were doing it in a year! You were on ROmans and I thought that would be about right for June....YIKES! What a challenge!