Wednesday, January 14, 2009

100% No Broken Bones......still

With 4 kids you might expect to have at least 1 broken bone in the bunch. Well, so far so good. Yesterday we almost lost that record. R managed to jam his finger while on the trampoline ( I know, I know, I am a nurse and know that trampoline injuries are quite common. We have had one for years and this is the first incident.) It did look misshapen but afer x-rays we were assured it was just a lot of swelling and he will have to wear a splint for a few days until it starts to feel better. Here is the splint that R says is VERY limiting to his activities.We sent him to AWANAS tonight with instructions to be careful with his finger. Well, he was. However, his hip was not in the stipulation and he is now in bed with ice on his hip where he landed on it. It is swollen and bruised and painful to the touch, but once again, not broken.

1 comment:

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Poor, R. That looks uncomfortable. We've also had a trampoline for years and years - over 10 and not had an accident.....