Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Morning

Early Easter morning we made Resurrection Rolls.
These are rolls that tell the story of the burial and resurrection of Christ. You can read more about them at the above link. Basically using cresent rolls, marshmallows, butter, sugar and cinnamon you can celebrate the empty tomb that shows Christ conquering death. The marshmallow (white=purity) represents Christ's body that is annointed with oils (butter) and spices (sugar and cinnamon) in preparation for burial. The cresent roll represents the burial shroud which we surround the marshmallow with completely. We then put them in the oven (the tomb) and pretend it has been 3 days. Here we are EARLY in the morning preparing our rolls.

While waiting "for 3 days" (as the rolls cooked), Phillip read "Peter's First Easter" to the kids.
It was a good thing he read it to them because it makes me cry everytime I read it. The way the author portrays the love Christ had for Peter after Peter denied him is overwhelming. I think it even choked up Phillip a bit. I highly recommend this book.

After removing the rolls (shrouds) from the oven (tomb) we cut the open to see that they were empty. Christ (the marshmallow0 was no longer there. He had risen!
Here R is looking inside to see it is empty.

After breakfast we prepared a few side dishes for our luncheon after worship and headed off. It was the first time in 3 weeks I was able to attend worship and what a wonderful day to be able to return.
After the luncheon we had our egg hunt. While waiting for the hunt to start the boys posed for a picture. It's a little hard to look like tough guys with easter baskets! LOL

Our egg hunt each year is for our JAM (Jesus and Me) kids. This is from 2yo to 5th graders. This year is C's last year to participate. He is growing up but it is bittersweet.

Next year I will only have one young enough for egg hunting and our JAM ministry. R has a few more years of being a little boy.

Here they are showing off their stash. C, we found out, was not hunting eggs for just himself. His best friend is a year older and no longer able to hunt eggs so C volunteered to get some for him! LOL

Shortly after the egg hunt I needed to go home. But, we did make one short stop for a family picture. It was cold and windy but everyone cooperated and there were smiles all around.

All in all it was a fun, meaningful day. As we enjoyed family and friends we tried not to let it all overtake the reason for the day. Our celebration is of Christ and him crucified for our sins. Our celebration is the empty tomb and Christ overcoming death. Our celebration is that He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!


Anonymous said...

Wonderful family photo, Gilda!

I hope you're feeling better this week.

Anonymous said...

I love your new family photo. We need to take some good ones, we have oh hardly any. I am so glad you felt up to going out and about, especially to church on Easter am. My son said he made those rolls in Sunday School a few years ago.

Gilda said...

Thanks Heather,
Surprisingly it only took 3 shots to get it. Of course I was already wearing out and the kids knew it so I think they were especially cooperative. That and it was cold! LOL!
I am feeling much better. Thank you so much!

Gilda said...

I really enjoyed making it to worship Sunday. It was my first day being out for so long. I was exhausted! But, I was so grateful I could make it. What better day to be able to return!

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Fantastic family photo.