Monday, March 10, 2008

Emergency Surgery

Last weekend, shortly after our GeTOGether ended I ended up in some pretty severe pain. Phillip took me to the ER and within a few short hours I was in surgery. They had to remove a few inches of my small intestine and sew it back together. A week later I am finally home. I made it home Saturday night. It was a long, rough week, but I am recovering nicely.
This is my 20th surgery. So, needless to say the thought of another surgery was not pleasant to me. Not that it would be to anyone. LOL! However, I did want to share the faithfulness of our Lord through this ordeal.
I don't remember most of the week. I think Wed. was the first I began to be awake more than I was asleep. I had a lot of time to pray and cry out to God. God has proved His faithfulness to me over and over throughout the years so there was no fear or worry there. However as Christians we sometimes wonder what God is doing. Whatever it was, I know it was for my good and the good of His kingsom.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Rom 8:28

One thing I do know is that the whole past week and the surgery was no surprise to God. He knew what was coming and in knowing that I began to look for His hand before the surgery. Sure enough, He had already given me what I needed and prepared me for what was to come.

A little background. The Sat. before I ended up in surgery I spoke at our Ladie's Retreat. I spoke on how when we lose our focus on Jesus the storms in life around us become so much bigger than they are. I spoke about how God calls our struggles on this earth "light and momentary". Now, I truly believe this with all of my heart. I believe that our struggles on this earth are light and momentary when compared to what God has planned for us.
For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 2 Cor 4:17

I know from experience and the lessons God teaches us in His word that when we keep our focus on Jesus the storms of this life seem so much smaller. It is like focusing on a dot on a wall. When you are doing this you do not see the things on the periphery around you very well. But, when you turn away from the dot toward the things around you, you see them so much more clearly. It depends on where your focus is. If your focus is on Jesus and His promises then the storms around you are hard to see. You can't really tell if the are raging or not. But if you turn your eyes off Jesus and turn them toward the storm then the winds and the waves become huge and frightening.

Anyway, even as I was speaking I knew some of the storms in life some of these women were walking through. I felt trite. Nothing was going on in my life right now. I was so worried how hard this must be for those in the midst of the storm to hear. But, I knew it was God's word and His promises but I did ask God, "Do I really believe this? Will I be able to call my next storm light and momentary when I am in the midst of it?"
Well, be careful what you ask for! LOL!
As I went through this last week I remembered asking God these questions. I then realized that Yes! I did believe what I was preaching and Yes! I did see this as light and momentary. Did I just smile and whistle through this trial. No. I cried, I hurt, I missed my family. I am human. But when it all came down, I trusted my God.
He was so faithful to get me through this time, but as I had learned on Sat. in a devotional, he not only got me through it but provided abundantly for me before it happened to prepare me and grow me in Him. He removed my small doubts about how I trusted Him and allowed me to experience Him and his provision once again.
He also had given me one more thing. At our ladie's retreat during praise and worship I heard a song I had not heard before. It said everything that I believed but was questioning. He reminded me of that song on Fri. morning while I was having my quiet time with him and I looked it up on God tube and listened. I cried through the whole song as it spoke every word I believe and how God has faithfully brought me to the peaceful place of trust through the many trials I have endured. So here, listen and praise God that His faithfulness endures forever.
I can thank Him for this trial and the suffering that not only I, but my family endured. I can call it light and momentary. Nothing that happens to me changes who I am in Christ. In this I rejoice. Rejoice with me.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for your beautiful testimony. I suffer from pain, but have a difficult time getting past the pain. I believe everything you have said, but I am not as eloquent as you in expressing it! God be praised for your testimony to Him! I am praying for your continued recovery!

Debbie said...

Gilda, what a wonderful testimony. Thank you for your honesty and for shring your heart.

God bless and I hope your recovery is quick.

Pam said...


I am humbled and encouraged by your testimony of God's faithfulness! Truly He is good! The words you spoke at the women's retreat are true. Little did you know how quickly God would require you to put them to the test. But His word is faithful and true. Thank you for sharing that song. It is beautiful.

Pam in SE MI

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

I've been praying for you Gilda and finally have time to catch up on blogs. This song's message carried me through the weeks of waiting before we lost our last babies. God is so incredibly FAITHFUL.