Tuesday, June 19, 2007

A Day in the life of a Toddler

Let's see. Today T did not wake up until 8 am. That was after waking up at 2am. He went back to sleep by 2:15-2:20 but that was plenty of time for me to become fully awake. At 4 am I went back to sleep. After making breakfast for T (which is something I have not had to do for awhile. My kiddos usually do all of breakfast), I was able to get him dressed and packed and ready to go for the day. I, on the other hand, decided to pull my hair back in a pony tail so I could get places on time. We met some other moms for lunch, ran some errands and then came home so T could get a nap. 3 hours later, I woke him up. We fed him, packed him up again and then went out to CiCi's pizza at my dd request. Then we came home and hit the pool. This was at 8:30pm. T did not go for that so well. We are now home. T has had his nighttime milk and is still toddling about.

Today my conversations went something like this.

Good Morning! No, no T. Are you hungry? No, no sweetie, you cannot have that. No T. Be careful T. No, you can't have that. And on and on. Get the picture. I have forgotten how curious they are.

It has really been an easy day. At least, much easier than I remember it being when my kiddos were toddling about. He is a really good kid and I have had such fun with him.

The most fun I am having is teaching dd as we go. She is so eagar and has truly jumped in to learning about taking full care of a toddler. Being the younger dd, she tends to get looked over as older sister is very capable and just jumps in to do things. So, teaching her has been such fun. She really is very good at it, but I think a little insecure because older sis is so capable. I only wish I could have one on one time like this with all my kids. For now, I will count my blessings with J.


Cynthia said...

I'm confused.... is "T" yours or are you watching someone?

Gilda said...

It has been so long since I was at my blog I just noticed your question. He is the little one of a friend of mine who went to the church camp my kiddos went to this summer for a week.