Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Thoughts on Marriage

Tonight we had a couple over who are helping my dh and I put together some videos on marriage. We have several couples who have already done this and several more to go. These are couples who at one time were on the brink of divorce or were considering divorce who chose not to divorce and have worked through their problems. We chose them because they have a fabulous marriage now.

As I council young wives in difficult marriages, I have found they all seem to say the same phrases at one time or another. Here are a few......

Why do I have to be the one to do all the work?

God doesn't want me to be unhappy.

It's not fair.

I just can't do this anymore.

As we have videotaped the "healthy" couples we have also noticed some common phrases coming form them.....

God hates divorce.

I realized I had to change me.

I can't change him/her.

I had to start focusing on Jesus.

This really was about me and God.

It has been enlightening to say the least. As I council the women in the struggling marriages I come home weary. Not because they are a burden but because I ache for how much they are hurting. But, when we do these video testimonials we have such enjoyable evenings. It is hard to hear the struggles and hardships they had to go through. But, the joy we see in their marriages as God has healed them and how we can laugh at the past troubles that are no longer so consuming brings laughter and victory. To see God's mighty hand at work and how He can heal brings a joy beyond measure. All of these couples have said they would not want to go through the trials they went through again. But, they all also say that it was worth it. They are head over heals in love and thankful they were obedient to God.

Couples who are struggling need to hear the testimonies of those of us who have endured and who God has healed. They need to have hope in what they feel is a hopeless situation. Nothing is hopeless with God.

1 comment:

Ann said...

Thanks, Gilda for these insights. It is extremely encouraging to talk to older women about their struggles and to see where in God's faithfulness he can bring them.